Coming Soon: Black Creek Pond

Black Creek Pond is the short story prequel to Wynnter.


Henley, North Dakota
February 29, 1912

Black Creek Pond was His. The land was His.

Until “they” came – then everything changed.

Settlers to Dakota Territory were encroaching on the inhabitant of Black Creek Pond. They were using His land. Using His water. His home.

And He didn’t like it.

When a disease struck the settlement, he had a choice. Help them? Let them die?


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Wynnter is Coming - Are You Ready?

Henley, North Dakota
February 29, 1984

There’s something alive and hungry in the frigid water of Blackcreek Pond.

Wynnslow Bennett (Wynnter to his friends) is perfectly content with a fresh box of Crayolas, a stack of crisp white paper, and a fried bologna sandwich. Wynnter knows what’s alive down there. They have a connection and Wynnter can feel its hunger.


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Dirt: Evil in the Heartland

Dirt, Danny, and Booger. Three boys struggle to escape bucolic fly-over country, and define their lives beyond the dirt roads, dust, tractors, cold and dysfunctional relationships. Evil, however, grows in the most unlikely places.

Doorway to Your Dreams

“Never set him free, Tim. Never let him gain control. You’ll be lost forever.” Those were the last words that flashed in helicopter pilot, Tim “Spooncake” McAllister ‘s mind before he lost consciousness in the jungles of Vietnam.

... Complete Library

Review the complete library from John P. Goetz including:

The Protocol, A Prescription to Die

Souls of Megiddo